Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yellow Fever

So I got the yellow fever vaccine. I'm really glad I got it today because I found out that the certificate becomes valid 10 days after getting it. In reality, I'm entering Kenya 9 days after, but the doctor thinks it'll be ok. I mean, if I have to sit at the airport until midnight, then so be it.

As I was sitting there reading the Yellow Fever handout from the clinic, I couldn't help but get scared. There was a slim to no chance of me getting sick, but the reality of Yellow Fever is devastating. I'm glad I don't feel sore or anything right now, because a lot of people feel that after vaccines. The shot was also given at a weird spot. Instead of my muscle, it went into the fatty tissue that rests on the back of my arm. I HATE SHOTS.

Funny thing is, the travel clinic had called to reschedule my appointment until tomorrow. I was originally going to be at Shirk by 11 AM (IWU's rec center), but ended up falling asleep. At 11:30, my cell rang and the clinic wanted me to get there right then. I took the bus and got there by noon. It's so cool how God made everything work out. As I was waking up, I was wondering why I hadn't gotten myself to get up, but if I had, then the vaccine would have taken place tomorrow. AND I got to shop at Target for groceries.

As much as I'm ready to go to Kenya, I have a lot of closure left in Normal, IL. I have to pack up all my stuff in this apartment, and then pack up again for Kenya. And with this closure, I'm nervous for what to expect. I'm not sure if they've ever seen an Asian woman before. What are the stereotypes there? Do I have to be even more careful than Caucasian woman? I can just anticipate for what is to come. I don't even know where I'll be located yet, although I'm going to request RURAL Nairobi. (Nairobi is nicknamed Nairobbery and that's where all the political unrest would happen if it did)

I have begun praying for the people I will meet in Kenya. Just one more week from tomorrow. Yay!

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